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Getting your 2024 Fertiliser Order Right

The fertiliser you order for and spread in 2024 should be driven by the nutrient allowances your farm has. In 2024, with the newly introduced fertiliser register, this will become…

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Poor Soil Chemical Health Costs The Average Dairy Farmer €4000 Per Year!

Health at Farms Level: Between 2015 to 2019 some gains were made in terms of soil chemical health, however between 2021 and 2023 Dairygold dairy suppliers farms are showing a…

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Know Your Dates! Fertiliser Register Is Now Open!

The Veterinary Medicinal Products, Medicated Feed and Fertilizer Regulation Bill 2023 is now signed into law. It has passed all stages of the Oireachtas and has been signed by the…

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Fertiliser Choice And Soil Chemical Health

Fertiliser Choice And Soil Chemical Health As part of the European Green Deal we must reduce our chemical Nitrogen application by 20%. Reduced nitrogen application and reduced profits at farm…

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Managing P and K requirements after silage

The maintenance P and K requirements of a paddock in any given year will depend on the yield of the paddock and weather the paddock was primarily grazed or if…

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Building Grass across the month of September

Grass Growth in August was poor, a lot of farms now find themselves behind target for grass as we start the month of September.  We need to build grass covers…

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Feed Your Soils Correctly for the Best Return on Fertiliser

By Liam Stack, M.Agr.Sc Ruminant Technical Manager Buying fertiliser without getting your soil sampled and a having a fertiliser plan is like ordering feed without knowing what group of animals…

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Time for Building Soil Potassium

Potassium (K) has a major role in the efficient use of nitrogen (N) by the grass plant during the growing season. Grass silage crops have the largest demand for N…

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Spread Nitrogen Now to Maximise Grazing Season

Pasturebase data has shown us that its not uncommon for many dairy farmers to end up with a lower supply of grass than they would like entering into the autumn….

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Replenish Land After Taking Out Surplus Bales

Liam Stack, M.Agr.Sc, Ruminant Technical Manager After taking out surplus grass as bales, it’s important to replace what we’ve taken out in terms of N, P + K to ensure…

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