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Dairygold Inter-Farm Forage Trading Scheme

The increasing cow numbers on dairy farms since the removal of milk quotas has resulted in higher stocking rates and a greater challenge when trying to meet winter feed requirements.

Maize silage and fodder beet are worth considering to fill this gap as they are reliable, consistent and high quality feeds.

This year, we are looking to launch a pilot initiative between our dairy suppliers and tillage growers.

By filling out and submitting the online below form, you are expressing an interest in either buying maize silage or fodder beet or growing maize silage or fodder beet for sale.

Dairygold will match up and introduce interested parties based on location, feed type and quantity of feed wanted/available. In the event that a match cannot be found for your requirements we will contact you to inform you. By submitting the below form, Dairygold are not guaranteeing you a grower or a buyer will be found.

Dairygold will not set the prices for traded feed, this will be done by the grower and the buyer if a suitable match is made. Dairygold will make example contracts available for your use (see link below). Dairygold will make links to independent forage growing costs and feed values available for your consideration before entering into an agreement. Dairygold ASMs will be available for crop walking services and nutritional advice where needed. Ciaran Collins, Teagasc is available as a 3rd party adjudicator.

Teagasc Crop Costings 2017

Teagasc Relative Value of Feeds

Guide to Buying Standing Forage Crops

Maize Contract Template

Please Complete the Dairygold Inter-Farm Trading Form Below

  • Enter the quantity in tonnes or hectares that you wish to supply/purchase above: