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Our Agri Business offers you, our customers, a wide range of Farm-Focused services design to help you improve farm productivity, profitability and sustainability. A wide range of easily accessible services are available to customers through our Laboratory Services at Lombardstown Mill. Services range from Soil, Grass & Silage testing to Mineral Nutrition.

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Dairygold Inter-Farm Forage Trading Scheme

The increasing cow numbers on dairy farms since the removal of milk quotas has resulted in higher stocking rates and a greater challenge when trying to meet winter feed requirements. Maize silage and fodder beet are worth considering to fill this gap as they are reliable, consistent and high quality feeds. This year, we are looking to launch a pilot initiative between our dairy suppliers and tillage growers.

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Milk Advisory

Dairygold’s milk advisory service is available to all Milk Suppliers, to help meet the quality parameters outlined in the Milk Purchasing Terms and Conditions. The advice furnished by the advisory service is given in good faith, however the Milk Supplier is solely responsible for the management of his/her Milk Production Enterprise.

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