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Managing a reseed

Our main aim with post sowing managements are: Establish the new ley, 2. Encourage tillering, 3. Prevent weed establishment It can take up to 12 months for the new crop…

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Building Grass across the month of September

Grass Growth in August was poor, a lot of farms now find themselves behind target for grass as we start the month of September.  We need to build grass covers…

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Making top quality silage this summer

Silage preservation: The battle begins Your allies: The Lactic Acid producing bacteria The enemy: Nitrates Within the silage making process we want to reduce pH to pickle the silage. The…

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Why multi-species swards are becoming so popular

More and more farmers are sowing multi-species swards, containing a mixture of grass, legumes and herbs. Germinal’s grass and forage expert Niall Laffan tells us why and describes the latest…

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Time to Get Your Grass Tested? Here’s How With Dairygold

Dairygold Agri Business have grass testing available, where either individuals can take their grass samples themselves or a Sampler can be sent out on farm to take samples using a…

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Feed Your Soils Correctly for the Best Return on Fertiliser

By Liam Stack, M.Agr.Sc Ruminant Technical Manager Buying fertiliser without getting your soil sampled and a having a fertiliser plan is like ordering feed without knowing what group of animals…

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Why You Should Get Your Soil Tested with Dairygold

The Health of Our Soils By Rósín O’Donnell, B.Agr.Sc, Dairygold Agri Business Graduate 0867938408 As an industry we are striving to grow more grass in a sustainable manor. Grass is…

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Benefits of Using DIGEST-IT Slurry Additive

Dairygold Agri Business in conjunction with Devenish and Gouldings are pleased to introduce DIGEST-IT®, a biological slurry additive designed to increase nutrient recovery from slurry while also reducing ammonia emissions….

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Time for Building Soil Potassium

Potassium (K) has a major role in the efficient use of nitrogen (N) by the grass plant during the growing season. Grass silage crops have the largest demand for N…

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Maintaining Milk Volume During Adverse Weather Conditions

Milk volume should decline at no greater than 2% per week or 10% per month. Volume declines of greater than this are an indication of poor energy nutrition. Once volume…

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