Fertiliser Choice And Soil Chemical Health
Fertiliser Choice And Soil Chemical Health As part of the European Green Deal we must reduce our chemical Nitrogen application by 20%. Reduced nitrogen application and reduced profits at farm…
View Post >Low milk proteins are signs that your cows are NOT on a rising plane of nutrition
As cows approach the breeding season, they need to be on a rising plane of nutrition. Low milk proteins are signs that your cows are NOT on a rising…
View Post >Feeding Cull Cows
Cows that have been scanned as not in calf should be marked for culling. Suckler cows: If you’re finishing these off grass, consider weaning the calves early. Once the…
View Post >Managing P and K requirements after silage
The maintenance P and K requirements of a paddock in any given year will depend on the yield of the paddock and weather the paddock was primarily grazed or if…
View Post >Managing a reseed
Our main aim with post sowing managements are: Establish the new ley, 2. Encourage tillering, 3. Prevent weed establishment It can take up to 12 months for the new crop…
View Post >Building Grass across the month of September
Grass Growth in August was poor, a lot of farms now find themselves behind target for grass as we start the month of September. We need to build grass covers…
View Post >Making top quality silage this summer
Silage preservation: The battle begins Your allies: The Lactic Acid producing bacteria The enemy: Nitrates Within the silage making process we want to reduce pH to pickle the silage. The…
View Post >Why multi-species swards are becoming so popular
More and more farmers are sowing multi-species swards, containing a mixture of grass, legumes and herbs. Germinal’s grass and forage expert Niall Laffan tells us why and describes the latest…
View Post >Time to Get Your Grass Tested? Here’s How With Dairygold
Dairygold Agri Business have grass testing available, where either individuals can take their grass samples themselves or a Sampler can be sent out on farm to take samples using a…
View Post >Feed Your Soils Correctly for the Best Return on Fertiliser
By Liam Stack, M.Agr.Sc Ruminant Technical Manager Buying fertiliser without getting your soil sampled and a having a fertiliser plan is like ordering feed without knowing what group of animals…
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