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Peak Milk, Peak Profits: Boosting Dairy Profits in 2024

Efficient milk production from grass-fed cows is a significant challenge for dairy farmers this Spring according to Philip O’Connor, Head of Farm Supports, ifac. However, with careful management and tactical…

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Advice for Damaged Paddocks

With the wet spring some damage may have been done to paddock. Minor poaching In minor poaching cases, the plant is able to repair itself reasonably quickly and tiller density…

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Dairygold announces additional supports for its Tillage and Beef Customers

The Dairygold Board and Management are aware of the financial challenges facing farmers due to the recent adverse weather conditions and today, has announced a number of additional measures to…

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First cut silage fertiliser

We need to consider the compounds we are using on our silage grounds. Overall Soil chemical health is poor, with only 20% of our soil’s optimum for pH, P and…

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Fertiliser for Grazing

The forecast is improving and the weather for the coming week looks dry and warm. There is a lot of grass in place to be grazed but we need to…

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Fodder Event & Bulk Feed Offer Extended

        In times like these, when the challenges of poor weather and a fodder crisis weigh heavily on your shoulders, we want you to know that Dairygold…

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Slurry and Spring Application- Maximizing the Benefits

Slurry is an important nutrient that needs to be used wisely. The average or book value for slurry in terms of NPK is 9-6-30 but slurry value varies depending on…

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Getting your 2024 Fertiliser Order Right

The fertiliser you order for and spread in 2024 should be driven by the nutrient allowances your farm has. In 2024, with the newly introduced fertiliser register, this will become…

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Poor Soil Chemical Health Costs The Average Dairy Farmer €4000 Per Year!

Health at Farms Level: Between 2015 to 2019 some gains were made in terms of soil chemical health, however between 2021 and 2023 Dairygold dairy suppliers farms are showing a…

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Fertiliser Choice And Soil Chemical Health

Fertiliser Choice And Soil Chemical Health As part of the European Green Deal we must reduce our chemical Nitrogen application by 20%. Reduced nitrogen application and reduced profits at farm…

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