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Fertiliser for Grazing

Fertiliser for Grazing

The forecast is improving and the weather for the coming week looks dry and warm. There is a lot of grass in place to be grazed but we need to consider what fertiliser to apply to our grazing ground across the month.

Be flexible with applications, cover the parts of your farm that you can and only apply fertiliser in favourable weather conditions.


Fertiliser Spread to date +70kg N/ha spread 30kg N/ha spread (March) 2,500 gals/ac (Jan/Feb) Nothing spread
Fertiliser Strategy Continue to follow cows after grazing Allow four weeks since the last application and apply 30kg N/ha Blanket spread 40kg N/ha conditions Blanket spread 40kg N/ha (then slurry after grazing – 2,000gals/ac)


Consult your Dairygold Area Sales Manager today for more information.