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Don’t Forego Circa 2000 Euro Of Milk Margin After Feed Cost From Here To Drying Off!!!

Don’t Forego Circa 2000 Euro Of Milk Margin After Feed Cost From Here To Drying Off!!!


Her race is nearly ran! Its been a slog, especially of late but the average cow has still c. 500-700 litres more to give.

Milk price this year is poorer than last year but 500 ltrs at 40c a ltr is still worth €200 per cow or €20,000 for a 100 cow herd. 

Ok, that’s not all margin, but if your cows are producing 14 ltrs, your margin over feed costs will be €1.22 if you’re cows are fully indoors on grass silage and €2.20 per day if you’re still feeding some grazed grass.  That’s a margin after feed costs from €1700 to €3000 for a 100 cow herd for 14 days of milk.

Possible diets and margin over feed costs (0 BCS gain or loss):

Grass + Silage Silage Only
Grass (kg DM) 6
Silage intake (kg Fresh) 25 50
Parlour Feed (kg) Margin Over Feed Costs €/Day Parlour Feed (kg) Margin Over Feed Costs €/Day
10 ltrs Milk Yield 1.5 €1.34 2.5 €0.36
14 ltrs Milk Yield 3.5 €2.20 4.5 €1.22
18 ltrs Milk Yield 5.5 €3.06 6.5 €2.08

25 kg fresh grass = 1 round bale to 30 cows. *Allow for 0 BCS change, if your cows need to gain 0.25 BCS add 1kg of concentrates to the recommended rate. Grass UFL (DM)= 0.9, Silage UFL (DM) = 0.78 (70 DMD), Concentrates UFL = 0.95. Concentrate price = €370/Tn. Milk value 40c/ltr to reflect solids

If you need feed advice for late lactation feeding get in contact with your local Area Sales Manager Today!!!