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To maximise milk yield per cow we need to maximise energy intakes

A litre off your cows peak will translate to 180-220litres off a cows annual production or €8,000-10,000 lost milk revenue for a 100 cow herd.


Currently milk yield per cow within Dairygold is 1 litre behind the 2020-2023 average and 1.8 litres behind 2021.


To maximise milk yield per cow we need to maximise energy intakes:

  1. Grazed grass is the highest energy feed you can feed a cow. You must maximise your cows grass intake. To do this we must first grow the grass and we cannot grow the grass without spreading the fertiliser.  During the main grazing season grass needs 1 unit of nitrogen per day.  Index 3 and lower ground will need P and K in April to meet its demands (unless slurry was spread earlier in the spring).  5 bags of sweet 18s in April where P and K are allowed and required will meet your grounds needs.
  2. Do not over-estimate grass intakes.
  3. If your farm is tight on grass and you are limiting grass intakes, you must put in an appropriate level of concentrates in to maintain overall intakes.


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