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Dairygold is Ireland's largest co-operative, supporting farmers for generations.

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Fertiliser for Grazing
Fertiliser for Grazing

Fertiliser for Grazing

The forecast is improving and the weather for the coming week looks dry and warm. There is a lot of grass in place to be grazed but we need to consider what fertiliser to apply to our grazing ground across the month.

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 Fodder Event & Bulk Feed Offer Extended
 Fodder Event & Bulk Feed Offer Extended

Fodder Event & Bulk Feed Offer Extended


In times like these, when the challenges of poor weather and a fodder crisis weigh heavily on your shoulders, we want you to know that Dairygold are here to help.

We recognise the tireless efforts you put into your work, often facing unpredictable weather conditions and the ever changing demands of agriculture.

The struggles you endure are not overlooked, and your resilience in challenging times is inspiring.

Do not hesitate to reach out for support.


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Dairygold Agribusiness helping you overcome the current weather challenges
Dairygold Agribusiness helping you overcome the current weather challenges

Dairygold Agribusiness helping you overcome the current weather challenges

Heavy rain  has made grazing conditions next to impossible in the short-term. Silage stocks in some areas are under increasing pressure and now is a vital time for our cows and their 3 early lactation priorities;
1. Going back in calf.
2. Maintaining milk proteins as high as possible.
3. Achieving an appropriate peak milk yield.
There is plenty grass around and we must endeavor to graze every day that ground conditions allow. Grass will help your cows achieve her 3 priorities. When conditions improve be ready to go.
However, in response to the current situation Dairygold Agribusiness are introducing a Fodder Stretch ration. This ration is a 13.5% protein and is designed to replace grass silage in your milking cows’ diets. The Fodder stretcher ration is offered at the discounted price which will offer you real value versus buying grass silage.
For more information contact the Inside Sales Team on 022 31644.

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Dairygold and Tirlán join forces in FarmGen Collaboration
Dairygold and Tirlán join forces in FarmGen Collaboration

Dairygold and Tirlán join forces in FarmGen Collaboration

Dairygold and Tirlán are collaborating to expand on-farm Solar PV programme

Dairygold and Tirlán have joined forces to further strengthen the dairy sector’s sustainability efforts by rolling out Tirlán’s renewable energy solutions programme FarmGen to Dairygold suppliers across the Munster region.

The new partnership between two of the leading farmer-owned co-operatives is a clear indication of the dairy sector’s commitment to embracing new technologies to cut on-farm emissions and help farm families operate more sustainably and efficiently.

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Poor Soil Chemical Health Costs The Average Dairy Farmer €4000 Per Year!
Poor Soil Chemical Health Costs The Average Dairy Farmer €4000 Per Year!

Poor Soil Chemical Health Costs The Average Dairy Farmer €4000 Per Year!

Health at Farms Level:

Between 2015 to 2019 some gains were made in terms of soil chemical health, however between 2021 and 2023 Dairygold dairy suppliers farms are showing a combined 14% drop in soil chemical health.

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Nutrition Matters & Grass Tetany Advice
Nutrition Matters & Grass Tetany Advice

Nutrition Matters & Grass Tetany Advice

The rain has fallen. Hopefully now it wont forget to stop!!
But grass growth should be good and our nutritional priorities for the summer will be to maintain grass quality, maintain milk yields and maximize milk protein %.
We of course need to take stock, access where we are from a forage standpoint, and use fertiliser to maximize grass growth from here to year end. Grass tetany is caused by a lack of magnesium (Mg) absorption. Grass tetany affects muscle function, hence the trembling/twitching/trashing. Death iscaused by the heart (a muscle) giving up.

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Time to Get Your Grass Tested? Here’s How With Dairygold
Time to Get Your Grass Tested? Here’s How With Dairygold

Time to Get Your Grass Tested? Here’s How With Dairygold

Dairygold Agri Business have silage testing available, where either individuals can take their silage samples themselves or a Sampler can be sent out on farm to take samples using a corer for more accurate results. These samples are then analysed in Lombardstown Analytics Services Laboratory and results are sent out to the customer.


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Fuel Prices
Fuel Prices

Fuel Prices

As part of Dairygold ‘BUY for’ scheme, Dairygold and Top oil have reached an agreement which will allow Dairygold members, Account holders and Employees to apply for a Dairygold Top Oil fuel card. Fuel Card customers can purchase road diesel, Unleaded and Sulphur Free Gas Oil at most major petrol stations in your local area.


The Dairygold Top Oil fuel card provides savings on your fuel purchases and includes the following benefits;

  • A weekly fixed price for Road Diesel and Unleaded.
  • Weekly price notification by text.
  • Accepted at most major service stations.
  • Detailed invoice and transaction reports.


The Dairygold Top Oil fuel card allows easy management of all fuel purchases. There is no need to keep fuel purchase receipts, as your invoice and transaction report has this information, which makes completing monthly farm accounts easier.


For more information contact the Inside Sales Team on 022 31644.


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