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Mid Season Fertiliser Requirements

Mid Season Fertiliser Requirements

Fertiliser Requirements mid-season.

The capability of grass to grow is compromised if its requirements for major elements such as Phosphorus, Potassium and Sulphur are not met.

Phosphorus Requirements:

Do you qualify for the new P build up allowance?

To qualify for P build up you must be stocked at greater than 130kgN (c.1.6 cows/ha) , have a farm nutrient management plan completed through the NMP online and have completed a Teagasc training course.

Apply 50-75% of your P requirements in the spring with the remainder in the summer.


P fertiliser recommendations assuming the farmer qualifies for the additional P allowance

Soil Index Maintenance (units/acre) Build up (units/acre) Total (units/acre)
3 20 0 20
2 20 24 44
1 20 40 60


P fertiliser recommendations without the additional P allowance

Soil Index Maintenance (units/acre) Build up (units/acre) Total (units/acre)
3 20 0 20
2 20 8 28
1 20 16 36

If taking 1 cut of silage add 16 units P per acre, If taking 2 cuts add 28 units of P per acre to grazing requirements.


Potassium Requirements:

Apply maintenance rates during the growing season + build up rates in August/September


Soil Index Maintenance (units/acre) Build up (units/acre) Total (units/acre)
3 40 0 40
2 40 25 65
1 40 50 90

If taking 1 cut of silage add 100 units P per acre, If taking 2 cuts add 180 units of P per acre to grazing requirements.

Fertiliser Plan for index 3 P and K grazing ground


Timing Nutrient(s) Required Product Rate N P K S
Jan/Feb N Urea ½ bag 23
March N/P/(K)/S 18/6/10 + S 2 bags 36 12 (20) 8
April N 18/6/10 + S 1.5 bags 27 9 (15) 6
May N+S KaN + S ¾ bags 29 5.5
June N KaN ½ bags 23
July N KaN ½ bags 23
August N/K KaN, 27-0-11 ¾ bags 20 8
September N KaN ½ bags 23
Total 204 21 43 19.5
  • For index 2 P and K ground: use 1.5 bags of 18/6/10 + S in May instead of KaN + S
  • For index 1 P and K ground: use 1.5 bags of 18/6/10 + S in May instead of KaN + S + use 1.5 bags of 18/6/12 in June instead of KaN + use 0.5 bags of muriate of potash in September/October
  • If you have not spread P and K in the spring you will need to spread this across the main grazing season

Fertiliser Plan for 2nd cut silage:

Nutrients Required:

Index 1* 80 24 110 16
Index 2* 80 16 85 16
Index 3 80 8 60 16
Index 4 80 0 0 16

Index 1 and 2 assumes that build up was not applied earlier in the year


Fertiliser Plan (index 3 P and K/Silage ground where build up fertiliser was applied for 1st cut)

Product Rate
No slurry Silage Boost 21-2-10 + S 4 bags
3000 gals slurry KaN 38% N + 7.5% S 2 bags