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Feeding Cattle at grass

Feeding Cattle at grass

Once cattle are housed for fattening, the cost per kg of live weight gain increases by up to 50% compared to grass-based finishing.

Finishing cattle need to be kept gaining 1kg liveweight per day at a minimum. Cattle can grow in excess of 1.3kg per day in the first half of the grazing season on grass alone.

However, even the best quality autumn grass will only support a max of 0.8kg LWG.




Autumn grass is lower in sugar and energy. Max UFL = 0.95 vs 1.05 in the spring. Autumn grass is lower in DM of 14-16%. Cattle cannot reach a high dry matter intake to satisfy its nutritional requirements.


Feeding levels required for 1kg LWG

Good Quality and Quantity of Autumn grass 3kg
Limited supply or poor quality of Autumn grass up to 6kg

Once you have to go above 6kg/day, it may be as well to go indoors on an ad lib concentrate diet.