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Know Your Seeding Rates As Seeding Dates Progress!

To build and preserve yields, its important that a strong and healthy plant establishment is achieved at the critical planting stage. There are several factors that can affect this and…

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When To Cut Wholecrop Silage

Wholecrop silage can be cut from 30-60% DM.  The drier the crop the more complicated the process, the greater the risk of the silage heating at feed out and the…

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Is Whole Crop An Option To Replace Grass Silage?

Assuming your wholecrop silage yields 10T per acre and is 35% DM then every acre has the potential to feed 3 cows over a 3 month winter. How does wholecrop…

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Time to Get Your Grass Tested? Here’s How With Dairygold

Dairygold Agri Business have grass testing available, where either individuals can take their grass samples themselves or a Sampler can be sent out on farm to take samples using a…

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Kerva for Grain Enhanced Feed

Benefits of Kerva treated grain for feed ✓Treating grain with KERVA produces nutritionally enhanced feed (increased protein content by 30% approx.), reducing the need for additional protein in the diet…

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How much grass silage will wholecrop silage replace?

Diarmuid O’Riordan IASIS, TMR Area Sales Manager with Dairygold Agri Business gives a breakdown of how much grass silage your crop of wholecrop silage will replace. Click Read More to see if wholecrop can be fed to dry cows, the value of wholecrop silage vs grass silage and the requirements to meet the milking cows needs.

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Forage Options

Whole Crop Cereals/High Moisture Grain It is essential to monitor the dry matter of the crop regularly, starting a month before the anticipated harvest date. Dry matter can change by…

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