✓Treating grain with KERVA produces nutritionally enhanced feed (increased protein content by 30% approx.), reducing the need for additional protein in the diet
✓ KERVA increases the pH of the grain (pH 8.5-9.0) which results in better rumen buffering and a reduction in acidosis and laminitis
✓ It is possible to safely feed higher levels of concentrate and concentrates with a higher level of grains when using KERVA treated grain
✓ KERVA improves feed intake and fibre digestion in the rumen
✓ The higher pH of KERVA grain ensures grain can be stored on farm for longer periods and without aeration.
KERVA increases grain protein levels by approximately 30% crude protein, reducing the need for purchasing additional protein sources.
Current cost per unit of protein is €7, a 3.5% protein increase is worth €24.50/tonne grain.
Why Livestock Farmers should feed KERVA treated grain?
KERVA can be fed to both Beef cattle, store cattle and dairy cows some of the benefits are as follows:
It is possible to safely feed higher levels of concentrate and concentrates with a higher level of grains when using KERVA treated grain
Healthier animals, reduces acidosis and laminitis
Improved feed intakes
Lower costs and improved profitability
Beef animals
✓ Better growth rates, and fat scores
Dairy cows
✓ Improved milk production, volumes, solids and fats
✓ Better condition during lactation
✓ Improved fertility
Why Farmers like KERVA treated Grain?
✓ Grains are easier to treat
✓ Less requirements for purchased expensive proteins
✓ No fermentation losses or waste (in comparison to crimp)
✓ Longer shelf live in storage in comparison to other grain treatments
✓ Cost effective method of storage
KERVA Treated Grain – Feeding Rates to Livestock
All grains need to be rolled or crimped before feeding, these include Maize, Barley, Wheat, Oats and Beans.
For best results in feeding KERVA treated grains to livestock consult your nutritionist or KERVA representative
Beef Cattle:
• Ad lib KERVA Treated Grain with minerals
and straw, from 50 – 100% of grain portion of diet.
Growing Beef & Dairy Stock:
• Feeding up to 4Kg of KERVA Treated Grain per day
Dairy Cows:
• Up to 60% of concentrate portion of diet
• Ideal complement to livestock at grass.
IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Instructions for using KERVA Grain Treatment
Ensure grain is fully mature before harvest (Minimal levels of green grains)
Crop should be burnt off (desiccated) before harvest to remove any green grains in tram lines and on headlands(as these grains can cause fermentation and spoilage).
Grain between 14-22% moisture is suitable for storage with KERVA. Do not add moisture to fresh grain off the Combine
KERVA can be applied using a diet feeder or crimping machine
Storage Area Preparation
Clean dry storage area is essential. Shed must be power washed and treated for grain pests.
Good floor quality is essential to limit moisture uptake. Treated grain is hydroscopic and seeks out moisture. If the floor or subfloor is damp you will get a damp layer of grain on the concrete. Walls and floors can be lined with plastic sheeting to help keep moisture out.
Ensure shed is free of grain mites, weevils and other grain pests
Treating the Grain
KERVA should be added through a dosing hopper on a crimping machine or it can be added using a diet feeder or some form of mixer. Use 20kgs of KERVA per tonne of grain.
Once the grain is treated with KERVA it must be stored in a clamp (Pit) and covered for 2 weeks to process.
Heat is generated by the chemical reaction that occurs in the grain so the cover must be removed if stored indoors once the 2 weeks are up. This prevents condensation build up at the surface otherwise you will get some fermentation and spoilage on the surface of the grain.
After this time period it is fit to feed or be moved
Do Not over process grain (roll too fine) or roll or compact the clamp.
Refer to clamp height instructions below for correct storage heights.
NOTE: Treating of Dried grain or aerated grain during feeding season
KERVA can be used to treat dry stored or aerated grain after the harvest period. Grain that is not actively respiring requires the addition of moisture to activate the additive.
For further advice and water application rates for dried or aerated grain contact your local Area Sales Manager
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