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Know Your Seeding Rates As Seeding Dates Progress!

To build and preserve yields, its important that a strong and healthy plant establishment is achieved at the critical planting stage. There are several factors that can affect this and…

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When To Cut Wholecrop Silage

Wholecrop silage can be cut from 30-60% DM.  The drier the crop the more complicated the process, the greater the risk of the silage heating at feed out and the…

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How to Make Good Quality Bales

The principles of making baled silage are the same as pit silage: 1) Remove all air and maintain air-free through to feedout 2) Reduce silage pH (level determined by the…

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The Importance of Autumn Fertiliser

In August soils release their own organic N naturally. On lowly stocked farms (< 170kg organic N/Ha) that have enough winter forage this may provide sufficient N to build grass…

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Kerva for Grain Enhanced Feed

Benefits of Kerva treated grain for feed ✓Treating grain with KERVA produces nutritionally enhanced feed (increased protein content by 30% approx.), reducing the need for additional protein in the diet…

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Guide to Catch Crops

James Bourke B.Agr.Sc has given a breakdown of the most popular catch crops this 2018, Westerwolds and Forage Brassicas. Click Read More to see more information.

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Guide to Catch Crops

James Bourke B.Agr.Sc has given a breakdown of the most popular catch crops this 2018, Westerwolds and Forage Brassicas. Click Read More to see more information.

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Guide to Catch Crops

James Bourke B.Agr.Sc has given a breakdown of the most popular catch crops this 2018, Westerwolds and Forage Brassicas. Click Read More to see more information.

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Cull Cows

Economics of feeding cull cows The economics of feeding cull cows depends on the quality of the silage available, the cost of silage and concentrates, the condition of the animals…

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