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The Value of Additional Concentrate Feeding

Your cows have a base line concentrate requirement, needed to meet her current milk yield and to build a grass wedge.   Additional concentrates on top of this requirement will deliver…

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August Advice

      As we enter the month of August there are a number of key areas that need to be reviewed on dairy farms and decisions that are taken…

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Take Action Now on Winter Fodder Stocks

  Key Takeaways   Do a fodder budget – Assess whether you need to take extra bales or third cut to fill your winter fodder stocks – Grass growth is…

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Advice for Damaged Paddocks

With the wet spring some damage may have been done to paddock. Minor poaching In minor poaching cases, the plant is able to repair itself reasonably quickly and tiller density…

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Dairygold announces additional supports for its Tillage and Beef Customers

The Dairygold Board and Management are aware of the financial challenges facing farmers due to the recent adverse weather conditions and today, has announced a number of additional measures to…

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First cut silage fertiliser

We need to consider the compounds we are using on our silage grounds. Overall Soil chemical health is poor, with only 20% of our soil’s optimum for pH, P and…

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Fertiliser for Grazing

The forecast is improving and the weather for the coming week looks dry and warm. There is a lot of grass in place to be grazed but we need to…

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Fodder Event & Bulk Feed Offer Extended

        In times like these, when the challenges of poor weather and a fodder crisis weigh heavily on your shoulders, we want you to know that Dairygold…

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Early Lactation Nutrition

    The ultimate goals from early lactation nutrition are : Feeding your cow to get her back in calf as quick as possible Feeding your cow hold milk protein…

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When To Cut Wholecrop Silage

Wholecrop silage can be cut from 30-60% DM.  The drier the crop the more complicated the process, the greater the risk of the silage heating at feed out and the…

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