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Grassland Weed Control

Liam Stack, M.Sc.Ag

Weeds within your pasture compete with grass for nutrients.  A field of grass infested with 20% docks may produce the same tns DM as a field of grass only but it will produce 20% less grass.

Controlling a field with 20% docks can grow 2t/ha extra grass worth €360/ha.

When deciding on how you are going to control weeds in your grass you need to consider:

  • What type of grass field are you spraying, is it permanent grass or is it a new ley
  • Is it a grazing sward or a silage field?
  • How close to grazing or cutting is it?
  • Is now the best time to control these weeds?
  • Weather conditions?
  • Is there clover present? If so do you want to keep it
  • What are the main weeds you need to kill?
  • Do you know if there is chickweed present? Is it common chickweed or mouse ear chickweed?
  • Are there Dandelions or buttercup present?
  • Is there any Ragwort in the field or under wires?

Controlling weeds with clover in reseeds?

Unfortunately (at time of production) there is no clover safe option available for reseeded swards.  Please keep in contact your local Area Sales Manager, branch agri lead or our inside sales team on 022 31644 for the most up to date and timely information.


Surface waters such as rivers and lakes, account for 80% of drinking water supplies in Ireland. Low level detections of grassland herbicides have been found in drinking water supplies in the last number of years.


Exceedance level: 1 part in 10 billion. The equivalent of one drop in an Olympic-sized swimming pool or 1 second in 317 years.


As an industry we have already implemented some changes to reduce the levels found in drinking water.


At all times we must be responsible with our use of chemicals:

We must:

Choose the right pesticide product

Read and follow the product label

Buying and applying the correct amount

Not spraying if rain or strong winds are forecast in the next 48 hours

Make sure you are aware of the location of all nearby water courses

Comply with any buffer zone specified on the product label to protect the aquatic environment. Mark out the specified buffer zone from the edge of the river or lake or other water course

Never filling a sprayer directly from a water course or carry out mixing, loading or other handling operations beside a water course

Avoid spills, stay well back from open drains and rinse empty containers 3 times into the sprayer

Store and disposing of pesticides and their containers properly


Please contact your local Area Sales Manager, our the Inside Sales Team on 022 31644 or your local branch

for information on the full range available