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EU Veterinary Medicine Regulation Update

EU Veterinary Medicine Regulation Update


01. Co-Op Farm Newsletter FP ad (Animal Health) Jan 2022_HRBy SEAMUS O’MAHONY, M.Agr.Sc,

Head of Commercial, Dairygold Agri Business


Why is this happening?

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) – the ability of microorganisms to resist antimicrobial treatments, especially antibiotics – has a direct impact on human and animal health and carries a heavy economic burden due to higher costs of treatments and reduced productivity caused by sickness. AMR is responsible for an estimated 33,000 deaths per year in the EU.

It is also estimated that AMR costs the EU €1.5 billion per year in healthcare costs and productivity losses.


“Basic Principles suggest the less medicines we use the less resistance we have globally and if we use less products in a more responsible fashion they become more effective”.


Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) introducing selective dry cow therapy at farm level and achieving a reduction in the use of anthelminthics & antiparasitics are key areas of focus for Dairygold and the wider industry and driven by the change in legislation that is coming at the end of January 2022. There is also a strong customer & consumer aspect to this. As a co-op we have been engaging with DAFM (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine) ICOS (Irish Co-operative Organisation Society) and other stakeholders to secure the best possible outcome for our member farmers to ensure a competitive proposition and choice in this area DAFM officials have recently confirmed that the ICOS request of a delay in the implementation of 2019/6 from the 28th of January 2022 until 1st June 2022. This delay is only in respect to the prescribing and dispensing of anti-parasitic products. Regarding the prescribing of antimicrobials, including antibiotics, and medicated feed, the new rules will come into effect on the 28th of January 2022, as per the EU regulation, and prescriptions for these products will only be valid for a period of 5 days. The requirement to only supply anti-parasitic medicines on foot of a veterinary prescription is deferred until 1st June 2022. A prescription will not be required by farmers for such products until this date, and for co-op stores, it is business as usual in this respect for the first six months.


Date of legislative change Medicine Types Prescription validity
28th January Antimicrobials including antibiotics and medicated


5 days
1st June 2022 Anti-parasitics including wormers and most significant vaccines 12 months


The mandatory requirement to use the new web based National Veterinary Prescribing System (NVPS) is deferred until 1st June 2022. Veterinary practitioners can continue to issue paper-based prescriptions in the current format until then, but the NVPS will be available for voluntary use by vets from the end of January onwards – to ensure that prescribers and dispensers are familiar with the system when its use becomes compulsory.

Prescriptions issued by vets for anti-parasitic medicines after 1st June will be valid for a maximum period of 12-months. Antiparasitic medicines can then be purchased by the farmer from his preferred supplier at the appropriate time throughout the period that the prescription is valid. In addition the Veterinary Council of Ireland (VCI) are to issue their ethical code of professional conduct. This will outline the different ways of working andprescribing into the future. ICOS on behalf of the farmer Co-op movement continues to engage with DAFM to ensure your local Dairygold Co-Op Superstores can dispense the widest possible range of antiparasitic, vaccine and anti-microbial products.

Our Current MCP programme will finish on 28th January 2022. We will still be able to provide animal medicines but prescription will have to be provided for anti-microbials (antibiotics) after January 28th We will provide further updates here when there is more clarity from DAFM and the VCI.

Speak to us today at your local Dairygold Co-Op Superstores. Our Agri Experts are on hand to answer any further queries you may have.