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In this section you will find up to date articles on Dairy farming news and best practices. We would also welcome your feedback, suggestions and ideas about how we may improve or further develop this section.
DIGEST-IT: increases nutrient recovery, improving the fertiliser value of slurry, reduces ammonia emissions and odours, breaks down solids, reducing the time required to agitate and pump slurry, grows more, better…
Read moreAs we enter the month of August there are a number of key areas that need to be reviewed on dairy farms and decisions that are taken…
Read moreRight down we have 14% less grass on farms than we should have. If we do not act now we will run out of grass earlier than planned. We need…
Read moreLiam Stack, M.Agr.Sc, Ruminant Technical Manager After taking out surplus grass as bales, it’s important to replace what we’ve taken out in terms of N, P + K to ensure…
Read moreWhy use Selenium? Selenium is an essential trace element for Vitamin E function and reproduction in animals. Selenium deficiency symptoms include: Fertility problems Retained placenta White muscle disease Poor thrive…
Read moreOur fertiliser world is a changing. We now need to focus more on nitrogen use efficiency, ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions. As part of their marginal abatement curve Teagasc have…
Read moreCatherine Hurley Recent grass silage tests that have been carried out have shown poor protein levels in the winter fodder in many cases, so much so that the feed may…
Read moreDairy Sustainability Day was held on the farm of Trevor and Olive Crowley this year, winners of the Reduce Carbon footprint category at Bord Bía’s Origin Green Farmer Awards in…
Read moreJames Bourke, B.Ag.Sc. Docks are a common, deep rooted, persistent weed problem on many farms. The perennial broadleaf weed will seriously limit grassland output and productivity unless managed correctly. The…
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