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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.




Gold Range

Ut fermentum, diam sagittis egestas laoreet, velit augue porta felis, vel tempor nibh libero quis ligula. Donec scelerisque, lacus et volutpat varius, augue ligula euismod massa, ut viverra turpis ipsum rutrum tellus.

Name Post Calver GOLD 20%
Protein 20%
Form Cubes, bulk only.
Delivery Options
  • Very high energy with maize as the No 1 ingredient.
  • For high EBI cows on grass silage diets.
  • Gold package of yea-sacc, organic trace elements & elevated levels of Vitamin E.
  • Contains only top grade ingredients.

Supplied by


  • Decreases your cost per UFL
  • Decreases BCS loss before breeding.
  • Increase your milk yield & protein
  • Maximises rumen function
  • Lowers risk of acidosis and lameness.
  • Maize (A by-pass starch source) maximising UFL content + milk protein %
  • Mineral & Vitamin pack formulated pro rata to cal mag level.
  • Decreases SCC and Mastitis
  • Improved immunity and fertility performance & lameness
  • Decreases acidosis risks
  • Lowers BCS loss post calving
Gas Buddex Debudder Boxed
  • The new professional tool for humane dehorning of calves.
  • Fast heating up time and high maximum temperature of 700° c makes the gasbuddex a tool of the highest quality. Stainless steel fi nish guarantees durability and meets the highest expectations.
  • Pain-free to the greatest possible extent for a calf through a dehorning process of maximum 30 seconds long.
  • Complete with 2 gas cartridges, replacement tips and tool
  • Operating temperature of about 700° c is reached within max. 3 mins.
  • Practical design through non-slip handles and balanced centre of gravity. Dependable automatic piezo ignition.
  • Duration of work with 1 cartouche: 3 - 5 hours nonstop.