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Know Your Seeding Rates As Seeding Dates Progress!

To build and preserve yields, its important that a strong and healthy plant establishment is achieved at the critical planting stage. There are several factors that can affect this and…

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Is Maize Silage An Option To Replace Grass Silage?

Maize silage yield varies year to year from lows of 18T per acre to highs of 25T per acre. This year maize is looking good so strong yields are expected….

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Is Whole Crop An Option To Replace Grass Silage?

Assuming your wholecrop silage yields 10T per acre and is 35% DM then every acre has the potential to feed 3 cows over a 3 month winter. How does wholecrop…

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Planning Ahead For Next Winter

Very dry weather in early June has led to increased concentrate feeding levels at farm level and in some cases, silage made with next winter in mind had to be…

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